Inspirational 59 lbs Weight Loss Journey-From Auto Sales Manager to Fitness Enthusiast

  • Name: JW

  • Age: 51-55

  • Gender: Male

  • Height: 5 feet 10in

  • OccupationAuto Sales

  • Location:

    • State: Texas

    • Country: USA

We're excited to learn more about your weight loss journey. First, please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your background.

Jeff Womack. I'm 54. I am a Sales Manager at a Ford Dealership. I have been overweight/obese for numerous years. I decided to make a change last October 2022 for my health by focusing on my weight. 

We'd love to know more about your weight loss journey. For example, how much weight have you lost, and over what period of time?

In the past seven months, I've lost 59 lbs. and I do not feel I have reached my goal yet. Now I'm building muscle and going to the gym.

What was your primary motivation for losing weight? Was it health-related, personal appearance, or something else?

I went on vacation in March 2022. I saw my personal beach vacation photos, and I did not like the way I appeared in the photos. I knew I had to change my weight, that would help change my appearance. Looks were important but  I also wanted to be healthy.

Could you share your starting weight, current weight, highest weight, and the lowest weight you've reached during your weight loss journey?

  • Starting weight: 252 lbs

  • Current weight: 194 lbs

  • Goal weight: 190 lbs

  • Lowest weight: 193.6 lbs 

Waist size changes can be an important indicator of progress. Can you share your highest, lowest, and current waist circumference?

  • Total waist circumference change over time:5 inches

  • Highest waist circumference: 40 inches

  • Lowest waist circumference: 34 inches

  • Current waist circumference: 34 inches

Let's talk about your diet plan. What kind of foods did you avoid or include? Did you follow any specific diet, like keto, paleo, or low-carb?

Initially started with Weight Watchers (WW). I stuck with the WW program for six months. I followed the plan and tracked my points. Around month 4, I joined a gym, but I needed to do an effective workout there. I have done keto in the past, but WW provided me with a greater variety of foods I enjoy, making it easier to comply with the weight loss program.

How did you set realistic goals for your weight loss journey? Did you have any milestones or targets along the way?

I used a weight tracker app. I set my original weight goal at 205. The app I used devised it into a 10-milestone plan. I have lowered the goal weight, but since I'm weight lifting and trying to grow muscle, my weight isn't as significant as my body fat%.

How did you determine the right amount of calories for your weight loss, and what was your average daily caloric intake?

It's all WW that determines how many points I could eat daily. I only tracked WW points. Now I have switched up and am trying to get 180 or more grams of protein daily.

Sleep is vital for overall health. How much sleep did you typically get during your weight loss journey?

I tried to have on average 7 hours of sleep.

Exercise can play a crucial role in weight loss. Can you tell us about your exercise habits before and after your weight loss journey, and share some of the routines you followed?

Initially, there were no exercises or physical activities that were part of my routine. I got serious about my weight loss and joined a gym about two months ago. I got an incredible Trainer. My Trainer has opened the doors to a new life for me. I love to work hard at the gym. I have reduced my Diet Coke intake. I am learning techniques at the gym and still watch what I eat.

Did you use any apps or technology to help you lose weight? If so, which ones?

Weight Watchers has a good app that walks you through the program. I also had the Happy Scale app. I would record my weight weekly. This app would show me a lot of information about my progress.

Were you part of any weight loss programs, or did you work with a coach? If yes, which ones?

My only coach was my Trainer, Melissa Stewart. She was instrumental in helping me go from ground zero to where I'm now. We will continue to train for a few more months. My wife and son are both active at the gym, and it helps to have the family involved.

Did you take any medications or supplements for weight loss? If so, which ones and how did they help?

I have started taking vitamins and protein for the last few months.

What tricks and techniques helped you stay on track during your weight loss journey?

I would eat smaller portions of things I liked. For example, on Thanksgiving, I had a 1/4 slice of pie.

Were there any specific moments or turning points that made you realize the progress you were making or that motivated you to continue?

I just watched the scale every week.

Did you face any challenges during your weight loss journey? How did you overcome them?

Work. My workplace has tons of junk food and snacks which was a great challenge.I just avoided the snacks and junk foods. It was a lot of determination but it did boost my confidence. 

How did you deal with setbacks, cravings, or temptations during your weight loss journey?

WW had several snacks they sold. 

I ate baked chips. WW snacks. And my wife prepared healthy meals to help with the weight loss for myself and for the family. 

Did you have any medical conditions or medications that may have contributed to your weight gain or affected your weight loss journey? If you're comfortable, please share some details.

No. I just was lazy and ate poorly.

Did you have any medical problems before your weight loss that have since improved or resolved?


How has your life changed since losing weight? Have you noticed improvements in your health, personal life, or professional life?

I have more energy. I feel better. I have a better quality of life. I couldn't do what I do at the gym . I was 250+ Pounds.

How important was the support of friends, family, or online communities during your weight loss journey? Can you share any experiences where they made a significant impact?

My wife was the biggest support and cheerleader—with her continued sound advice and encouragement from the start. I also tend to ask  a lot of questions to my Trainer. She always seems to have my goals in mind. Working out with my son and wife at the gym has been great. Hiring a trainer, which I was reluctant to do. It has turned out to be a better situation than I could have guessed.

What advice would you give to others looking to lose weight?

Make a plan. Make achievable goals. Don't give up on yourself. If you have a bad day, it's not the end of the world. Start over and continue the journey.

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your weight loss journey?

Warning. Buying all-new pants, shorts, and shirts can get expensive! However, I have a new wardrobe already.

As you've achieved or are on your way to your weight loss goals, how do you plan to maintain your current weight and continue leading a healthy lifestyle?

I love working out and couldn’t have achieved this success without the support of my wife and my training team ‘24/7 Dog Pound’. I'm almost 55 and have never had as much energy as I do now. 

Can you recommend any resources or programs you found helpful during your weight loss journey?

Lose some weight. Join a gym or start a home workout program. If you can afford a trainer and get a good one like I did, it's a game and a life changer.


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