Amazing Transformation to Empowerment: A 3-Month, 30 lb Weight Loss Success Story

Reading Time: 3 min.

Name: J. L.

Age: 31-35

Height: 5'6

Gender: Female

Race: African American 

Occupation: Self-employed & Retail baker


State: GA

Country: United States

Can you please introduce yourself?

 Hi, I am a single full-time mom of two, who enjoys traveling, creating meaningful connections with people, and being in nature (the fall is my favorite season). The older I get, the more I enjoy the comfort of being home with a good book on a rainy day. 

How much weight have you lost, and over what time?

  • Total weight loss?: 30 lbs

  • Over what time? Three months.

  • In which year? October 2022- January 2023

Do you have any medical conditions that may have contributed to your weight gain or affected your weight loss journey? 

I had gestational diabetes with both (full-term) pregnancies. The remedy was a carb-conscious diet with no insulin injections. After my first child (2008), I was diagnosed as anemic. 

What was your primary motivation for losing weight? 

I have been overweight for the majority of my life since my freshman 15 of college. I had my first child at 19 and became comfortable with the weight that never seemed to go away over the years. I have tried most of the fad diets, and they always worked but not long term. It was until recently (September 2022), after a sport physical, my daughter was told by her doctor she was pre-diabetic, which motivated me to want to eat healthier. 

What was your starting weight, and what is your current weight?

  • Starting weight: 275 lbs

  • Current weight: 245 lbs

  • Highest weight: 293 lbs

  • Lowest weight: 230 lbs  

What was your diet plan like? What were some foods you avoided and included?

For 30 days, I ate a vegan diet, and for the next 60 days, I mostly ate vegan, but I also ate food that was beneficial for my blood type (A-). I avoided harmful foods like dairy, potatoes, tomatoes, coconut, bread, and oranges. I also took supplements like a daily multivitamin, ashwagandha, and daily veggie/fruit supplements. 

Did you use any apps or technology to help you with your weight loss? If so, which ones?

I did not use any apps because I was eating pretty clean; however, I did google recipes for cooking at home or places to eat on the go. 

Did you join any weight loss programs or work with a coach? If so, which ones? 

No programs/coaching

What tricks and techniques helped you stay on track during your weight loss journey?

Journaling really helped me stay on track. Not necessarily a food diary but rather checking in with myself every few days and then looking back at my entries kept me encouraged because I could tell my mood, sleep, and energy were progressively better. Watching food documentaries helped keep me inspired to continue. Also, I took a ton of progress pictures/videos because weight fluctuates day to day; the scale is not your friend when it comes to your journey. 

Did you face any challenges, and how did you overcome them?

Social media was my biggest challenge because while I was motivated by others' progress who had the same body type or features as I did, their progress was further along than mine. I started to put unrealistic expectations on myself, and self-doubt definitely kicked in. So I deleted my social apps until I built my confidence back up by spending more time with myself and listening to my body's needs (like resting), and grounding myself. 

How has your life changed since losing weight?

I believe I have a healthier relationship with food by choosing better options, especially on the go or when traveling. There can be freedom in disciplining yourself and not feeling restricted like a reward system. I am pretty fond of jump roping, which is my go-to workout, and I have become a stronger swimmer. My mobility is better, and I find it less stressful on my body when I work. 

What advice do you have for others who are looking to lose weight? 

Learn who you are and what is your why? Your body will tell you what you need if you sit still long enough to listen. Do what's best for your body; do not compare your journey to anyone else's. A little goes a long way, so focus on making small healthy changes until they become big healthy habits.

Can you recommend any resources or programs you found helpful during your weight loss journey?

  • Book: Eat right 4 your type by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo and Catherine Whitney

  • Food documentary "Fed Up." 


Triumph Over Adversity: A 105 lbs Weight Loss Journey of a Mother Overcoming Challenges


How did this man in his 30's lose 35 lbs.?