The Unbelievable Story of a Mother Who Conquered PCOS and Lost Weight!

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Justine Christensen's weight loss journey is an inspiring story of transformation. A resident of Oregon, United States, Justine is a self-employed, dynamic woman who juggles the roles of a mother, wife, online business owner, and full-time employee at a transitional facility. Her life brims with vibrancy and constant hustle, with the added responsibility of being a mother to eight children, ages 9 to 24 years old.

The turning point in Justine's life came in March 2021 when she embarked on a transformative journey to health and fitness. Over the next year, she moved from weighing 221 lbs to achieving her goal of 165 lbs, primarily motivated by her desire to lead a healthier lifestyle. The triggering moment came when she saw her highest weight on the scale, sparking a deep need for change. Notably, her journey was driven by self-improvement rather than external validation.

In terms of diet, Justine transitioned from daily beer consumption to intermittent fasting, following a 16/8 schedule and eventually adapting to One Meal A Day (OMAD). She focused on protein and vegetable-rich meals while using water and black coffee to stave off hunger. However, she indulged herself with a few beers during weekly date nights.

Justine Christensen's weight loss journey

Not only did she witness a remarkable weight loss, but her waist size also shrank significantly, from a size 16 to a size 12, currently fluctuating between sizes 12 and 14, depending on the brand. Throughout her journey, Justine prioritized progress over strict weight loss goals. Instead of obsessing over caloric intake, she ensured her meals were nutritious and satiating, particularly when not fasting. 

Justine incorporated a daily routine of 6-7 hours of sleep and a creative workout regimen. She set her treadmill in front of her TV, allowing her to enjoy her favorite Netflix show, Supernatural while walking. During the summer months, swimming became her exercise of choice.

Social support was integral to Justine's journey. She actively participated in various intermittent fasting groups on Facebook and formed an accountability group with her friends. The DietBet app served as a platform for fun competition, reinforcing her commitment to her weight loss goals. Justine openly shares her journey and engages with her followers on her Facebook profile Justine Christensen and TikTok under the username @cluelesslyconfident.

Inevitable challenges marked her journey, the most significant of which involved social situations and alcohol. Despite the obstacles, she reduced her daily drinking to once a week and quickly transitioned from pasta to healthier alternatives. Whenever she faced setbacks or cravings, she allowed herself cheat days, acknowledging that occasional lapses were a part of the journey towards a healthier lifestyle.

Justine Christensen's weight loss journey

Despite her struggle with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and episodes of anxiety and depression, Justine did not allow these conditions to hinder her determination. The transformation in her lifestyle brought about less frequent depressive episodes and a more active and engaged life with her children and family. Her husband's constant support played a crucial role in her success.

Justine advises those starting their weight loss journey, emphasizing the importance of focusing on self and maintaining a positive mindset. She encourages individuals to embark on this journey for themselves, not for others, and not to be too hard on themselves.

Justine Christensen's journey is an inspiring testament to the power of determination, self-love, and resilience. Her story illuminates the importance of maintaining a balanced diet, regular exercise, a positive mindset, and a supportive network in achieving weight loss goals. As she continues on her path to maintaining her weight and health, Justine's story stands as a beacon of motivation for others embarking on their journeys toward a healthier lifestyle.

Dr. Akash Shah

Board Certified in Internal Medicine with a focus on Obesity Medicine in adults and chronic care management.


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