From Disability to Determination: The Weight Loss Triumph of Aaron Osheroff

50 lbs weight loss of an amputee/ disability

Aaron Osheroff, a 51-55 year old Senior Database Administrator based in California, United States, shares the inspiring tale of his weight loss journey with us. Despite battling obesity for most of his life, Aaron's determination led him to embark on a fitness quest in 2020. His primary motivation? His love for his wife and children and his determination to lead a healthy life for their sake.

Over a year and a half, Aaron successfully shed a commendable 50 pounds, and he's managed to maintain this new weight since then. His starting weight was 212 lbs, and he currently weighs 160 lbs. During this journey, his lowest point on the scale was 155 lbs, and he aims to reach a goal weight of 152 lbs. This journey also saw his waist shrink significantly, from a maximum of 38 inches to a current size of 32 inches.

When it comes to diet, Aaron is a big advocate for avoiding high-glycemic foods like white sugar, flour, cakes, crackers, and sweets. Instead, his plate brims with fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, low-fat dairy, and low-carb alternatives. He uses healthier sweeteners like Stevia and Monk Fruit in his meals.

Setting realistic weight loss goals was key for Aaron. He aimed to lose 2 to 3 pounds a month, and he achieved this by using online calorie calculators and apps to determine his caloric intake, which hovered between 1500-1800 calories per day, based on his weight, height, and activity level.

Sleep, too, played an important role. Aaron ensured he got 5 to 8 hours of sleep daily, sometimes supplemented with daily naps.

Aaron's exercise routine was tailored to his needs as a below-knee amputee. Starting with hiking during the pandemic, he moved to strength training and swimming as facilities reopened. Now, his regimen includes cardio 4-6 days a week through hiking, using an arc trainer, and strength training at the gym.

50 lbs weight loss of an amputee/ disability

During this journey, Aaron utilized the 'Lose It!' app and found the Noom program very useful. He successfully replaced unhealthy eating habits with healthier alternatives, like sugar-free Jell-O mixed with nonfat Greek yogurt and air-fried broccoli for chips.

Despite being a below-knee amputee, Aaron persisted and tailored his exercise routines and diet to meet his specific requirements. He combated hunger by focusing on particular macros in his diet. He viewed setbacks as normal and maintained his resolve by drinking plenty of water and finding healthier swaps for his temptations.

His journey wasn't without its struggles. Aaron had to overcome the increased mobility and weight management challenges that came with his amputation in 2009, resulting from being hit by a drunk driver. Despite this, he remained resolute.

His journey had a significant impact on his health. As an amputee, his weight loss has dramatically improved his comfort and mobility. He's no longer a person with type two diabetes, his cholesterol levels are normal, and his confidence has soared, improving his personal and professional relationships.

Facebook and Noom groups' support proved invaluable during his journey. Participating in these groups allowed him to give and receive support, reinforcing the concepts he was learning.

50 lbs weight loss of an amputee/ disability

Aaron advises others embarking on their weight loss journey to find a program and supportive community to guide them. As he maintains his current weight, he stresses the importance of continuing the healthier habits formed along the way.

Aaron has created a TikTok page to share his journey and inspire others: [Aaron's Fitness Journey](

He also highly recommends online calorie calculators, the Noom program, the 'Lose It!' app, and Facebook support groups as helpful resources for others on their weight loss journey.

Aaron Osheroff's journey is a testament to the power of determination, adaptability, and a strong support system. His story is an inspiring beacon to others navigating their weight loss journey, proving that no matter the obstacles faced, a healthier life is within reach.

Check out his TikTok page to follow his journey and gain motivation from his story: [Aaron's Fitness Journey](

Dr. Akash Shah

Board Certified in Internal Medicine with a focus on Obesity Medicine in adults and chronic care management.


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